
百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)


百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)



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彭少兵,男,1973年10月生,博士,研究员、博士研究生导师,陕西省核桃工程技术中心副主任。1994年毕业于原百家乐赔率 园林系,获学士学位;2004年6月硕士研究生毕业于百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,获硕士学位;2012年7月获西北农林科技大学博士学位。2009年12月至2010年12月在美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学自然资源百家乐赔率 访学研究。近年来主持或参加国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发项目、国家林业草原局科研专项、省重点研发项目和省自然科学基金等10余项,以第一或通讯作者发表文章40余篇,其中SCI 10余篇,科研成果获省部一等奖2项,二等3项。中国林学会林木遗传育种分会理事,陕西省林木和草品种审定委员会委员。







1.刘杜玲主编,邵建柱、曹兵、彭少兵、李捷副主编.《经济林栽培学 总论》.北京:中国林业出版社教育分社,2022.2

2. 刘杜玲主编,张朝红、彭少兵、王林、刘朝斌、王振磊副主编.《经济林栽培学 各论》.北京:中国林业出版社教育分社,2022.10

3. Qian Zhang, Meixuan Li, Guiyan Yang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhongdong Yu, Shaobing Peng*. Protocatechuic acid, ferulic acid and relevant defense enzymes correlate closely with walnut resistance to Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis. BMC Plant Biol. 2022 22(1):598

4. Xuejiao Liu, Feiyan Yu, Guiyan Yang, Xiaoqiang Liu , Shaobing Peng*. Identifcation of TIFY gene family in walnut and analysis of its expression under abiotic stresses. BMC Genomics.2022(23):190

5. Qiao Pei, Yongxiang Liu ,Shaobing Peng *.Fatty Acid Profiling in Kernels Coupled with Chemometric Analyses as a Feasible Strategy for the Discrimination of Different Walnuts.Foods.2022(11):500

6. Xuejiao Liu, Panpan Meng, Guiyan Yang, Mengyan Zhang, Shaobing Peng*, Mei Zhi Zhai .Genome-wide identification and transcript profiles of walnut heat stress transcription factor involved in abiotic stress . BMC Genomics.2020(21):474

7. Xinchi Zhao, Guiyan Yang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhongdong Yu , Shaobing Peng *.Integrated Analysis of Seed microRNA and mRNA Transcriptome Reveals Important Functional Genes and microRNA-Targets in the Process of Walnut (Juglans regia) Seed Oil Accumulation.International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020(21):9093

8. Yang Guiyan, Chen Shuwen, Li Dapei, Gao Xiangqian, Su Liyuan, Peng Shaobing*, Zhai Meizhi*. Multiple transcriptional regulation of walnut JrGSTTau1 gene in response to osmotic stress.  Physiologia Plantarum , 2019: 166:748-761.

9. Shaobing Peng, Guiyan Yang, Chaobin Liu, Zhongdong Yu , MeizhiZhai.The complete chloroplast genome of the Juglans regia (Juglandales: Julandaceae).Mitochondrial DNA, 2017.3.1,28(3) : 407~408

10. Shaobing Peng, Ziguo Zhu, Kai Zhao, Jiangli Shi, Yazhou Yang, Mingyang He, Yuejin Wang*, A Novel Heat Shock Transcription Factor,  VpHsf1 , from Chinese Wild  Vitis pseudoreticulata  is Involved in Biotic and Abiotic Stresses.  Plant mol. Biol. Rep. , 2013,31:240-247.

11.Enying Liu#, Shaobing Peng#, Quanzi Li, Vincent L. Chiang, Ronald R. SederoffHigh-level gene expression in differentiating xylem of tobacco driven by a 2.0 kb  Poplar COMT2  promoter and a 4×35S enhancer.  P  lant Biotechnology , 2013,30, 191–198.

12. 靳玲兵,高天健,李一杰,赵昕驰,彭少兵*.陕西不同核桃品种指纹图谱构建[J/OL].百家乐赔率 学报,2023(01):108-114

13. 戴建昊,韩暖,余飞燕,成艳霞,彭少兵*. 不同株行距对核桃光合作用的影响[J]. 百家乐赔率 学报,2019,34(04):96-100.

14. 彭少兵,成艳霞,董文浩,刘杜玲. 核桃“3414”肥料效应试验及推荐施肥量的回归分析[J]. 经济林研究,2018,36(04):27-32.

15. 刘杜玲,张博勇,孙红梅,彭少兵*,朱海兰.早实核桃不同品种抗寒性综合评价[J].园艺学报,2015,42(03):545-553.


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