
百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)


百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)



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图片1.png田相林,男,1990年10月生,籍贯山东临沂,中共党员,森林经理教研室,副教授。研究方向为森林生长与生态系统碳平衡动态的经验与机理建模,探究数据累积与模型更新的关系、不同尺度模型的链接方法、森林生长与环境因素的关系等,并基于此开发可扩展的模块化计算系统(PREBASSO),用于预测森林结构变量、碳储量和通量,以及在森林经营管理过程中的碳足迹。与赫尔辛基大学(UH)、芬兰技术研发中心(VTT)合作开发碳汇计量模型系统,为国际碳汇市场提供区域尺度高分辨率森林实时碳动态计量产品。曾参与多个欧盟跨国科技合作项目,在《Global Change Biology》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》等期刊共发表SCI研究性论文12篇,EI期刊论文3篇。


2022.11 – 至今 陕西杨凌 西北农林科技大学 百家乐赔率 森林经理学 副教授

2020.07 - 2022.10 芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 林学系 博士后

2018.04 - 2020.06 芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 林学系 科研技术助理


2014.09 - 2020.06 陕西杨凌 西北农林科技大学 百家乐赔率 森林经理学 博士  

2016.10 - 2018.04 芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 林学系 营林学 博士联合培养  

2012.09 - 2014.06 陕西杨凌  西北农林科技大学 百家乐赔率 森林经理学 硕博连读硕士阶段

2008.09 - 2012.06 陕西杨凌 西北农林科技大学 百家乐赔率 林学 学士  


Tian X, Minunno F, Cao T, Peltoniemi M, Kalliokoski T, Mäkelä A. 2020. Extending the range of applicability of the semi-empirical ecosystem flux model PRELES for varying forest types and climate. Global Change Biology, 26: 2923–2943. (环境科学与生态学1区Top)

Tian X, Minunno F, Schiestl-Aalto P, Chi J, Zhao P, Peichl M, Marshall J, Näsholm T, Lim H, Peltoniemi M, Linder S, Mäkelä A. 2021. Disaggregating the effects of nitrogen addition on gross primary production in a boreal Scots pine forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301–302: 108337.(农林科学1区Top)

Tian X, Sun S, Mola-Yudego B, Cao T. 2020. Predicting individual-tree growth using stand-level simulation, diameter distribution and Bayesian calibration. Annals of Forest Science, 77(2): 1-17. (农林科学2区)

田相林, 廖梓延, 孙帅超, 薛海连, 王彬, 曹田健. 2021. 多源数据对林分动态预测的影响及不确定性分析. 林业科学, 57(3): 51-66. (EI 期刊)


Zhao P, Chi J, Nilsson M B, Löfvenius M O, Högberg P, Jocher G, Lim H, Mäkelä A, Marshall J, Ratcliffe J, Tian X, Näsholm T, Lundmark T, Linder S, Peichl M. 2022. Long-term nitrogen addition raises the annual carbon sink of a boreal forest to a new steady-state. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 324: 109112(农林科学1区Top)

Liao Z, Chen Y, Pan K, Dakhil MA, Lin K, Tian X, Zhang F, Wu X, Pandey B, Wang B, Zimmermann N, Zhang L, Nobis M. 2022. Current climate overrides past climate change in explaining multi-site beta diversity of Lauraceae species in China. Forest Ecosystems, 9: 10018. (农林科学1区Top)

Mäkelä A, Tian X, Repo A, Ilvesniemi H, Marshall J, Minunno F, Näsholm T, Schiestl-Aalto P, Lehtonen A.2022. Do mycorrhizal symbionts drive latitudinal trends in photosynthetic carbon use efficiency and carbon sequestration in boreal forests? Forest ecology and management, Online Accepted. (农林科学2区Top)

Hu M, Pitkänen TP, Minunno F, Tian X, Lehtonen A, Mäkelä A. 2021. A new method to estimate branch biomass from terrestrial laser scanning data by bridging tree structure models. Annals of Botany. (生物学2区)

Liao Z, Nobis MP, Xiong Q, Tian X, Wu X, Pan K, Zhang A, Wang Y, Zhang L. 2021. Potential distributions of seven sympatric sclerophyllous oak species in Southwest China depend on climatic, non-climatic, and independent spatial drivers. Annals of Forest Science, 78(1), 1-22. (农林科学2区)

Miettinen J, Carlier S, Häme L, Mäkelä A, Minunno F, Penttilä J, Pisl J, Rasinmäki J, Rauste Y, Seitsonen L, Tian X, Häme T. 2021. Demonstration of large area forest volume and primary production estimationapproach based on Sentinel-2 imagery and process based ecosystem modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(24): 9492-9514. (工程技术3区)

Liu C, Hölttä T, Tian X, Berninger F, Mäkelä A. 2020. Weaker light response, lower stomatal conductance and structural changes in old boreal conifers implied by a Bayesian hierarchical model. Frontiers in plant science, 11: 1619. (生物2区Top)

Liao Z, Zhang L, Nobis MP, Wu X, Pan K, Wang K, Dakhil MA, Du M, Xiong Q, Pandey B, Tian X. 2020. Climate change jointly with migration ability affect future range shifts of dominant fir species in Southwest China. Diversity and Distributions, 26: 352–367. (环境科学与生态学1区Top)

Vernay A, Tian X, Chi J, Linder S, Mäkelä A, Oren R, Peichl M, Stangl ZR, Tor-Ngern P, Marshall JD. 2020. Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43(9), 2124-2142.  (生物学1区Top)

薛海连,田相林,曹田健. 2021. 利用经验-过程混合建模方法优化华山松过程模型的参数.林业科学,57(99): 21-33.(EI期刊)

王彬, 田相林, 曹田健. 2020. 油松幼树树高生长预测的不确定性贝叶斯分析.林业科学, 56(11): 73-86.(EI期刊)

薛海连, 田相林, 王彬, 孙帅超, 曹田健. 2020. 基于过程模型CROBAS的全局灵敏度分析方法比较. 应用生态学报(1): 1-14.

王彬, 田相林, 廖梓延, 王志涛, 耿生莲, 曹田健. 2020. 松栎林天然更新模拟与不确定性分析. 应用生态学报, 31(12): 4004-4016.

郭嘉, 孙帅超, 田相林, 王彬, 陈书军, 曹田健. 2019. 引入优势木树高建立的秦岭林区松栎林树高-胸径模型. 东北林业大学学报, 47: 66–72.

郭小阳, 吴恒, 田相林, 韩福利, 陈书军, 曹田健. 2017. 基于优势高模型分析多源数据对立地质量评价的影响. 百家乐赔率 学报, 32: 184–189.

廖梓延, 田相林, 薛海连, 王彬, 孙帅超, 曹田健, 陈书军, 侯琳. 2017. 经验模型和过程模型对油松林枯损预测的比较. 东北林业大学学报, 45: 51–57.

韩福利, 田相林, 党坤良, 曹田健. 2015. 抚育间伐对桥山林区油松林乔木层碳储量的影响. 百家乐赔率 学报, 30: 184–191.

吴恒, 党坤良, 田相林, 孙帅超, 陈书军, 赵鹏祥, 曹田健. 2015. 秦岭林区天然次生林与人工林立地质量评价. 林业科学, 51: 78-88. (EI期刊)


Project: Managing Forests for Climate Change Mitigation (ForClimate #347780, Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)). Participation. 2022.01.01 – 2024.12.31

Project: Forest Carbon Flux and Storage Mapping Service (#821860, the Horizon 2020 Research and innovation framework program). Participation. 2018.12-01-2021.12.31

(Häme T, Sirro L, Seitsonen L, Rauste Y, Mõttus M, Miettinen J, Dees M, Davis L, Rossi F, Penttilä J, Auvinen M, Rasinmäki J, Mäkelä A, Minunno F, Tian X, Marin G, Dumitru M, Tomé M, Barreiro S. (2022). Forest Flux: Final Report. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Technology No. 403 //doi.org/10.32040/2242-122X.2022.T403)

Project: Integrated Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration in the Changing Environment (IBC-CARBON, #312635, Academy of Finland Strategic Council). Duration of the employment contract: 2019.01.01-2020.12.01. Participation.

Project: Carbon and water behind forest growth (#2015.0047, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation). Participation.

Project: Carbon Balance under Changing Processes of Arctic and Subarctic Cryosphere (Carb-ARC, #286190, the Academy of Finland). Duration of the employment contract: 2018.03.16-2018.12.31. Participation.








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