2021年8月入职百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,讲师
1. 林源活性物质的开发与高值化利用
2. 抗菌天然产物的发现、结构修饰、活性评价及其作用机制研究
1. 国家自然科学基金(22307103),2024.1-2026.12,主持。
2. 中国博士后基金面上项目(2023M732885),2023.6-2025.6,主持。
3. 陕西省博士后基金一等资助(2023BSHYDZZ60),2023.9-2025.9,主持。
4. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2023-JC-QN-0133),2023.1-2024.12,主持。
5. 中央高校基本科研业务专项经费(2452021072),2021.10-2023.12,主持。
1. Cheng Chen*, Peter Oelschlaeger, Dongmei. Wang*, Hao Xu, Qian Wang, Cheng Wang, Aiguo Zhao, Ke-Wu Yang*, Structure and mechanism-guided design of dual serine/metallo carbapenemase inhibitors. Journal Medicinal Chemistry , 2022, 65, 5954-5974.
2. Cheng Chen*, Yinsui Xu, Peter Oelschlaeger, Jurgen Brem, Lu Liu, Dongmei Wang, Hongzhe Sun, Ke-Wu Yang*, A dual covalent binder for labelling and inhibiting serine and metallo-carbapenemases. Chemical Communications , 2023, 59, 9227-9230.
3. Cheng Chen, Ke-Wu Yang*, Lin-Yu Wu, Jia-Qi Li, Le-Yun Sun, Disulfiram as a potent metallo-β-lactamase inhibitor with dual functional mechanisms, Chemical Communications , 2020, 56, 2755-2758.
4. Cheng Chen, Ke-Wu Yang*, Structure-based design of covalent inhibitors targeting metallo-β-lactamases, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 2020, 203, 112573.
5. Cheng Chen, Le-Yun Sun, Han Gao, Peng-Wei Kang, Jia-Qi Li, Jian-Bin Zhen, Ke-Wu Yang*, Identification of cisplatin and palladium(II) complexes as potent metallo-β-lactamases inhibitors for targeting Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), ACS Infectious Diseases , 2020, 6, 975-985.
6. Cheng Chen#, Yang Xiang #, Ke-Wu Yang*, Yue-Juan Zhang, Wen-Ming Wang, Jian-Peng Su, Ying Ge, Ya Liu, A protein structure-guided covalent scaffold selectively targets the B1 and B2 subclass metallo-β-lactamases, Chemical Communications , 2018, 54, 4802-4805.
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