段晓姗,博士,中共党员,森林植物教研室,讲师。2008年7月,毕业于陕西师范大学,植物学专业,获理学学士学位;2011年6月,毕业于陕西师范大学,植物学专业,获理学硕士学位;2016年12月,毕业于中国科百家乐赔率 植物研究所,植物学专业,获理学博士学位;2017年至2018年,于美国哈佛大学访学,任科研助理;2018年至2021年于中国科百家乐赔率 植物研究所从事博士后研究;2021年7月至今就职于西北农林科技大学。
“ ZjNF-Y 基因调控枣童期-成期转变的分子机制”,国家自然科学基金青年项目(32201600,2023-2025);
5. 主要学术论著
1. Duan X.#, Zhao C.#, Jiang Y.#, Zhang R., Shan H.*, and Kong H.* Parallel evolution of apetalous lineages within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae): Outward expansion of AGAMOUS1 , rather than disruption of APETALA3-3 , Plant J , 2020, 04: 1169-1181.
2. Zhang R.#, Fu X.#, Zhao C.#, Cheng J.#, Liao H., Wang P., Yao X, .Duan X., Yuan Y, Xu G., Kramer E., Shan H., and Kong H.* Identification of the key regulatory genes involved in elaborate petal development and specialized character formation in Nigella damascena (Ranunculaceae). Plant Cell , 2020, 32: 3095-3112.
3. Zhang R. #, Min Y, Holappa L., Walcher-Chevillet C., Duan X., Donaldson E, Kong H., and Kramer E.* A role for the Auxin Response Factors ARF6 and ARF8 homologs in petal spur elongation and nectary maturation in Aquilegia . New Phytol , 2020, 227: 1392-1405.
4. Jiang Y.#, Wang M.#, Zhang R#, Xie J., Duan X., Shan H., Xu G.*, and Kong H.* Identification of the target genes of AqAPETALA3-3 (AqAP3-3) in Aquilegia coerulea (Ranunculaceae) helps understand the molecular bases of the conserved and non-conserved features of petals. New Phytol , 2020, 227: 235-1248.
5. Liao H.#, Fu X.#, Zhao H.#, Cheng J, Zhang R, Yao X, Duan X., Shan H., and Kong H.* Pseudonectaries of Nigella damascena (Ranunculaceae): from morphological nature to molecular underpinnings and ecological functions. Nat Commun , 2020, 11: 1777.
6. Zhai W.#, Duan X.#, Zhan, R., Guo C., Li L, Xu G., Shan H., Kong H.*, and Ren Y* Chloroplast genomic data provide new and robust insights into the phylogeny and evolution of the Ranunculaceae. Mol Phylogen Evol , 2019, 135: 12-21.(并列一作)
7. Yao X., Zhang W., Duan X., Yuan Y., Zhang R., Shan H., and Kong H.* The making of elaborate petals in Nigella through developmental repatterning. New Phytol , 2019, 225: 385-396.
8. Wang H., Zhang R, Cheng J., Duan X., Zhao H., Shan H., and Kong HZ* Diversity of flowers in basic structure and its underlying molecular mechanisms. Sci Sin Vitae , 2019, 49: 292-300.
9. Marinho L.*, Cai L., Duan X., Ruhfel B., Fiaschi P., Amorim A., van den Berg C., and Davis C.* Plastomes resolve generic limits within tribe Clusieae (Clusiaceae) and reveal the new genus Arawakia . Mol Phylogen Evol , 2019, 134: 142-151.
10. Yu X.#, Duan X.#, Zhang R., Fu X., Ye L., Kong H., Xu G.*, and Shan H.* Prevalent exon-Intron structural changes in the APETALA1 / FRUITFULL , SEPALLATA , AGAMOUS-LIKE6 , and FLOWERING LOCUS C MADS-box gene subfamilies provide new insights into their evolution. Front Plant Sci , 2016, 7: 598.(并列一作)
11. Wang P. #, Liao H. #, Zhang W. #, Yu X., Zhang R., Shan H., Duan X., Yao X., and Kong H.* Flexibility in the structure of spiral flowers and its underlying mechanisms. Nat Plants , 2016, 2: 15188.
12. Li L.#, Yu X. #, Guo C., Duan X., Shan H., Zhang R., Xu G., and Kong H.* Interactions among proteins of floral MADS-box genes in Nuphar pumila (Nymphaeaceae) and the most recent common ancestor of extant angiosperms help understand the underlying mechanisms of the origin of the flower. J Syst Evol , 2015, 53: 285-296.
13. Zhang R. #, Guo C. #, Zhang W. #, Wang P., Li L., Duan X., Du Q., Zhao L., Shan H., Hodges S., Kramer E., Ren Y.* and Kong H.* Disruption of the petal identity gene APETALA3-3 is highly correlated with loss of petals within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 2013, 110(13): 5074-5079.
14. 段晓姗#,田先华* 蓝堇草离体快繁和植株再生研究. 安徽农业科学 ,2011, 39(19): 11391-11393.
6. 联系方式
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