2018年3月至今,于百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 任职;
2018年7月至今,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,博士后。
1. 天然产物等功能活性成分的微生物高效合成及代谢调控机制解析
2. 农林废弃物生物转化合成小分子大宗化学品等相关研究
1. 国家自然科学基金,基于多组学与代谢建模的雷帕霉素生物合成代谢调控机制解析(31900068),2020.1-2022.12,主持
2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划,DMSO对筑波链霉菌合成他克莫司的代谢调控机制研究(2019JQ-348),2019.1-2020.12,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,他克莫司生物合成中代谢调控机制解析及菌株定向改造(2018M643741),2019.1-2020.1,主持
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,花椒色素形成及其代谢调控网络解析(2019YFD1000603-5),2019.5-2022.12,参与
1. Wang Cheng#, Zhang Beibei#, Song Liping, Li Peiyao, Hao Yi, Zhang Jingfang*. Assessment of different blanching strategies on quality characteristics and bioactive constituents of Toona sinensis . LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020. 130:109549.
2. Wang Cheng, Wang Junhua, Yuan Jian, Jiang Lingyan, Jiang Xiaolong, Yang Bin, Zhao Guang, Liu Bin, Huang Di. Generation of Streptomyces hygroscopicus cell factories with enhanced ascomycin production by combined elicitation and pathway-engineering strategies. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2019. 116:3382-3395.
3. Wang Cheng, Huang Di, Liang Shaoxiong. Identification and metabolomic analysis of chemical elicitors for tacrolimus accumulation in Streptomyces tsukubaensis . Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 2018. 102(17): 7541-7553.
4. Wang Junhua#, Wang Cheng#, Liu Huanhuan, Qi Haishan, Chen Hong. Metabolomics assisted metabolic network modeling and network wide analysis of metabolites in microbiology. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2018. 38(7): 1106-1120.
5. Ma Dongxu, Wang Cheng, Chen Hong, Wen Jianping. Manipulating the expression of SARP family regulator BulZ and its target gene product to increase tacrolimus production. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 2018, 102(11): 4887-4900.
6. Wang Cheng, Liu Jiao, Liu Huanhuan, Wang Junhua, Wen Jianping. A genome-scale dynamic flux balance analysis model of Streptomyces tsukubaensis NRRL18488 to predict the targets for increasing FK506 production. Biochemical Engineer Journal, 2017. 123: 45-56.
7. Wang Cheng, Liu Jiao, Liu Huanhuan, Liang Shaoxiong, Wen Jianping. Combining metabolomics and network analysis to improve tacrolimus production in Streptomyces tsukubaensis using different exogenous feedings. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2017. 44(11): 1527-1540.
8. Wang Junhua#, Wang Cheng#, Song Kejing, Wen Jianping. Metabolic network model guided engineering ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway to improve ascomycin production in Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. ascomyceticus . Microbial Cell Factories, 2017.16: 169.
9. Wang Cheng, Zhang Jingfang, Zhang Yan, Cheng bing. Characterization and inhibitors of polyphenol oxidase from Chinese Toon . Food biotechnology, 2013. 27(3): 261-278.
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