张强,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于湖南大学化学化工百家乐赔率 ,同年进入原百家乐赔率 任教,2007-2009年在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学学习进修。现任百家乐赔率 林产化工系资源化学教研室主任,西北农林科技大学杜仲研究所所长。主要从事林产化工专业的教学与科研工作。现主持和参加国家“十三五”重点研发计划子课题,陕西省林业厅重点课题等3项。主持完成国家林业公益性项目子课题、省攻关等各类课题6项。
1. 杜仲资源综合开发利用
2. 漆树、元宝枫资源的开发利用
[1]Zhang Qiang, Su Yinquan, Zhang Jingfang. Seasonal difference in antioxidant capacity and active compounds contents of eucommia ulmoides oliver leaf, Molecules, 2013, 18, 2: 1857-1868.
[2]Qiang Zhang, Mingqiang Zhu, Jingfang Zhang, Yinquan Su. Improved on-line high performance liquid chromatography method for detection of antioxidants in Eucommia ulmoides Oliver flower, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2014, 118, 1:45-49.
[3]Qiang Zhang, Elbert J. C. van der Klift, Hans-Gerd Janssen, Teris A. van Beek. An on-Line normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography method for the rapid detection of radical scavengers in non-polar food matrixes, Journal of Chromatography A, 2009,1216, 43: 7268-7274.
[4]Qiang Zhang, Yin-quan Su, Fang-xia Yang,Jin-nian Peng, Xiu-hong Li, Run-cang Sun. Antioxidative activity of water extracts from leaf, male flower, row cortex and fruit of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv., Forest Products Journal, 2007, 57, 12: 74-78.
[5]A.M. Brzozowska, Q. Zhang, A. de Keizer, W. Norde, M.A. Cohen Stuart. Reduction of protein adsorption on silica and polysulfone surfaces coated with complex coacervate core micelles with poly(vinyl alcohol) as a neutral brush forming block. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2010, 368: 96-104.
[6]张强, 张京芳, 苏印泉. HPLC在线检测果汁抗氧化成分[J]. 食品科学,2013,12:165-170.
[7]张强,张京芳,朱铭强,郑冀鲁,李宏伟,苏印泉. 一种南瓜叶多糖与多肽及其制备方法:中国,ZL201510160638.6 [P],2015-04-08.
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