闫丽,女,1980.07,中共党员,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 木材加工工艺教研室,教授,博士生导师。2003年毕业于东北林业大学,获学士学位;2006年硕士研究生毕业于东北林业大学,获硕士学位;2010年获北京林业大工学博士学位。2013年9月至2014年9月在美国俄勒冈州立大学合作研究。
1. 高温热处理改性木材的质量控制及机理研究
2. 植物提取物制备木材防腐剂工艺及机理研究
1. 发明了甘油预处理提高木材尺寸稳定性的工艺方法;
2. 初步阐明了甘油对木材细胞壁主成分热降解和交联化反应加速作用机理;
3. 开发了环保型植物源木材改性剂。
1. Zhenju Bi, Jingyi Yuan, Jeffrey J Morrell, Li Yan*. Effects of extracts on the colour of thermally modified Populus tomentosa Carr.Wood Science and Technology. 2021(55):1075-1090
2. Shuang Chen, Rui Liu, Yafang Lei, Jeffrey J. Morrell, Li Yan*. Accelerating thermal decomposition of wood cell wall with glycerol. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021(11):1637-1644
3. Li Yan, Jed Cappallazzi, Jeffrey J. Morrell. Aboveground Field Performance of Douglas-Fir Heartwood Subjected to Combinations of Glycerol, Boron, and Thermal Modification. Forest Prod. J. 2021.71(1):42-45
4. Li Yan, Feiyang Zeng, Zhangjing Chen, Shuang Chen, Yafang Lei. Improvement of wood decay resistance by salicylic acid/silica microcapsule: Effects on the salicylic leaching, microscopic structure and decay resistance. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2021(156):105134
5. Senmiao Fang, Xuechun Feng, Yafang Lei, Zhangjing Chen, Li Yan*. Improvement of wood decay resistance with cinnamaldehyde chitosan emulsion. Industrial Crops & Products. 2021(160):113118
6. Zhenju Bi, Yan Zhao, Jeffrey J. Morrell, Yafang Lei, Li Yan*. The antifungal mechanism of konjac flying powder extract and its active compounds against wood decay fungi. Industrial crops & Products. 2021(164):113406
7. Bi Zhenju, Yang Fangxia, Lei Yafang, Morrell J Jeffrey, Li Yan*. Identification of antifungal compounds in konjac flying powder and assessment against wood decay fungi. Industrial crops and products, 2019(140):111650
8. Li Yan, Fei-yang Zeng, Kun Zhang, Zhang-jing Chen, Ya-fang Lei. Investigation on the attack of Trichoderma viride on wheat straw composites manufactured with methylene diphenyl diisocayante. Bioresources. 2019,14(3):6004-6014
9. Li Yan* and Jeffrey J Morrell, Kinetic color analysis for assessing the effects of borate and glycerol on thermal modification of wood. Wood Science and Technology,2019(53):236-274
10. Li Yan* and Zhangjing Chen. Dynamic viscoelastic properties of heat-treated glycerol-impregnated poplar wood. European Journal of wood and wood products, 2018, 76(2):611-616
11. Rui Liu, Li Yan* and Jeffrey J. Morrell. Thermogravimetric Analysis Studies of Thermally-treated Glycerol Impregnated Poplar Wood. BioResource, 2018,13(1):1563-1575
12. Li Yan and Jeffrey J. Morrell. Mold and decay resistance of thermally modified Douglas-fir heartwood. Forest Products Journal, 2015,65(5/6):272-277
13. Li Yan and Jeffrey J Morrell. Effect of thermal modification on physical and mechanical properties of douglas-fir heartwood. BioResources,2014,9(4):7152-7161
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