王瑞丽,女,中共党员,博士生导师,获得西北农林科技大学“高层次人才发展支持计划”青年拔尖人才,陕西省高校科协人才托举项目。任陕西省生态学会理事会理事(2019年-2023年)、Forests 期刊客座编委(2022年-2023年)、Flora期刊编委(2023年至今)。
2012.9-2015.12 中国科百家乐赔率 地理科学与资源研究所,生态学专业,博士
2009.9-2012.6 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,生态学专业,硕士
2005.9-2009.6 新疆大学资源与环境科学百家乐赔率 ,生态学专业,学士
2019.1至今,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,副教授(破格)
2017.7-2023.5,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,博士后
2016.6-2018.12,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 ,讲师
1) 国家自然科学基金面上科学基金项目,金额:54万,编号:32271611,起止时间:2023.1-2026.12
2) 陕西省引进国内博士专项资助,金额:6万,编号:F2020221001,起止时间:2021.1-2022.12
3) 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目,金额:2万,编号:20200203,起止时间:2021.1-2022.12
4) 陕西省博士后科研资助项目,金额:6万,编号:2018BSHEDZZ141,起止时间:2020.6-2022.6
5) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年),金额:3万,编号:2019JQ-028,起止时间:2019.1-2020.12
6) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,金额:15.0万,编号:2018T111101,起止时间:2018.6-2020.6,中国博士后科学基金会
7) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,金额:25.0万,编号:31700381,起止时间:2018.1-2020.12
8) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,金额:5.0万,编号:2017M623252,起止时间:2018.1-2020.1
9) 国家重点研发计划子课题,金额:18.5万,编号:2017YFA0604803,起止时间:2017.7-2022.6;中华人民共和国科学技术部
10) 西北农林科技大学科研启动费,金额:20.0万,编号:2452016138,起止时间:2016.7-2018.12
[1] Xue Wang, Xinrui Liu, Weiyi Mo, Kaixi Chen, Haoxuan Chen, Huirong Gao, Ming Zhang, Yanqi Yuan, Ruili Wang*, Shuoxin Zhang*. Do phylogenetic and environmental factors drive the altitudinal variation in absorptive root traits at the species and community levels? Plant and S oil . 2023, (共同通讯,中科院2区TOP期刊,IF="4.9)
[2] Xinrui Liu, Xue Wang, Haoxuan Chen, Kaixi Chen, Weiyi Mo, Yanqi Yuan, Jiang Zhu, Ruili Wang*, Shuoxin Zhang*. Is the multi-species variation in leaf anatomical traits along the environmental gradient modulated by herbaceous functional groups? Ecological Indicators . 2023, 154: 110880. (共同通讯,中科院2区TOP期刊,IF="6.9)
[3] Haoxuan Chen, Shuang Chen, Xiaochun Wang, Xinrui Liu , Xue Wang, Rong Zhu, Weiyi Mo, Ruili Wang*, Shuoxin Zhang*. Different environmental and phylogenetic controls over the altitudinal variation in leaf N and P resorption traits between woody and herbaceous plants. Forests. 2023, 14, 5. (共同通讯,中科院2区,IF="3.238)
[4] Ming Zhang, Huirong Gao, Shuang Chen, Xiaochun Wang, Weiyi Mo, Xue Yang, Xue Wang, Zhibo Wang, Ruili Wang*. Linkages between stomatal density and minor leaf vein density across different altitudes and growth forms. F rontiers in Plant Science . 2022, 13:1064344. (通讯作者,中科院2区TOP期刊,JCR1区,IF=" 6.627)
[5] Ruili Wang, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*. Root community traits: scaling-pp and incorporating roots into ecosystem functional analyses. F rontiers in Plant Science . 2021, 12:690235. (中科院2区TOP期刊,JCR1区,IF="5.753)
[6] Xinrui Liu, Haoxuan Chen, Tianyu Sun, Danyang Li, Xue Wang, Weiyi Mo, Ruili Wang*, Shuoxin Zhang*. Variation in woody leaf anatomical traits along the altitudinal gradient in Taibai Mountain, China. Global Ecology and Conservation . 2021, 26: e01523. (共同通讯,中科院2区,IF="3.38)
[7] Ruili Wang*, Haoxuan Chen, Xinrui Liu, Zhibo Wang, Jingwen Wen, Shuoxin Zhang*. Plant phylogeny and growth form as drivers of the altitudinal variation in woody leaf vein traits. F rontiers in Plant Science. 2020, 10:1735. (中科院2区TOP期刊,JCR1区,IF="4.106)
[8] Deliang Kong*#, Junjian Wang#, Huifang Wu#, Oscar Valverde-Barrantes#, Ruili Wang #, Hui Zeng, Paul Kardol, Haiyan Zhang, Yulong Feng*. Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum. Nature Communications , 2019,10:2203 (共同一作,Nature 子刊,IF="12.353)
[9] Ruili Wang, Qiufeng Wang, Ning Zhao, Zhiwei Xu, Xianjin Zhu, Cuicui Jiao, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*. Different phylogenetic and environmental controls of first-order root morphological and nutrient traits: evidence of multidimensional root traits. Functional Ecology , 2018, 32:29–39. (中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR1区,IF="5.491)
[10] Ruili Wang*, Qiufeng Wang, Congcong Liu, Liang Kou, Ning Zhao, Zhiwei Xu, Shuoxin Zhang, Nianpeng He, Guirui Yu. Changes in trait and phylogenetic diversity of leaves and absorptive roots from tropical to boreal forests. Plant and Soil , 2018, 432:389–401. (中科院1区,TOP期刊,JCR1区,IF="3.306)
[11] Ruili Wang, Qiufeng Wang, Ning Zhao, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*. Complex trait relationships between leaves and absorptive roots: Coordination in tissue N concentration but divergence in morphology. Ecology and Evolution , 2017, 7: 2697–2705. (中科院2区,JCR2区,IF="2.340)
[12] Ruili Wang, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*, Qiufeng Wang, Ning Zhao, Zhiwei Xu. Latitudinal variation of leaf morphological traits from species to communities along a forest transect in eastern China. Journal of geographical sciences . 2016, 26(1): 15-26. (中科院2区,JCR3区,IF="2.364)
[13] Ruili Wang, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*, Qiufeng Wang, Ning Zhao, Zhiwei Xu, Jianpeng Ge. Latitudinal variation of leaf stomatal traits from species to community level in forests: linkage with ecosystem productivity. Scientific Reports , 2015, 5, 14454. (中科院3区,JCR1区,IF="5.228)
[14] Ruili Wang, Guirui Yu*, Nianpeng He*, Qiufeng Wang, Fucai Xia, Ning Zhao, Zhiwei Xu, Jianping Ge. Elevation-related variation in leaf stomatal traits as a function of plant functional type: evidence from Changbai Mountain, China. PLoS One , 2014, 9, e115395. (中科院3区,JCR1区,IF="3.534)
[15] 朱荣,杨雪,龚浩鑫, 王志波, 陈爽, 王小春, 王瑞丽*.青藏高原东缘松科植物叶脉性状的变异. 应用生态学报, 2023, 34(5):1203-1210.(通讯作者)
[16] 张明,高慧蓉,莫惟轶,陈爽,朱荣,王小春,王志波,李丹洋,王瑞丽*. 黄土高原草地植物叶脉性状沿环境梯度的变化规律. 生态学报, 2022, 42(19): 8082-8093.(通讯作者)
[17] 温婧雯, 陈昊轩, 滕一平, 张硕新, 王瑞丽*. 太白山栎属树种气孔特征沿海拔梯度的变化规律. 生态学报, 2018, 38(18): 6712-6721.(通讯作者)
[18] 王瑞丽, 于贵瑞, 何念鹏*, 王秋凤, 赵宁, 徐志伟. 气孔特征与叶片功能性状之间关联性沿海拔梯度的变化规律:以长白山为例. 生态学报, 2016, 36( 8) : 2175-2184.
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