盛敏,女,1977年5月生,森保教研室,副教授,博士生导师,陕西省优秀博士论文获得者。2001年7月于西北农林科技大学资源环境百家乐赔率 获农学学士学位;2004年于西北农林科技大学资源环境百家乐赔率 获植物营养学硕士学位;2008年于西北农林科技大学生命百家乐赔率 获微生物学博士学位。2007年12月至2008年11月在加拿大农业与农业食品部半干旱草原农业研究中心访问学习;2010年2月至2013年1月在加拿大农业与农业食品部土壤作物研究中心进行博士后研究;2018年1月在法国科百家乐赔率 南锡研究中心访问学习;2018年8月至2020年1月在美国蒙大拿大学访问学习。现为中国微生物学会会员、《Canadian Journal of Microbiology》期刊的编委及多个SCI期刊的审稿人。
1. 林木菌根真菌种质资源、生态分布和生物多样性
2. 菌根真菌提高植物耐旱、耐盐碱的分子遗传特性
1. Min Sheng, Xuedong Chen, Xiaojuan Yu, Jie Yan, Xinlu Zhang, Chantal Hamel, Yangyang Sheng, Ming Tang (2020) Neighborhood effects on soil properties, mycorrhizal attributes, tree growth and nutrient status in afforested zones. Restoration Ecology, 28(2): 459-467.
2. Min Sheng, Xinlu Zhang, Xuedong Chen, Chantal Hamel, Shan Huang, Ming Tang (2019) Biogeography of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in saline ecosystems of northern China. Applied Soil Ecology, 143: 213-221.
3. Xuedong Chen, Ming Tang, Xinlu Zhang, Chantal Hamel, Shuo Liu, Yandan Huo, Min Sheng* (2018) Effects of plant neighborhood on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal attributes in afforested zones. Forest Ecology and Management, 422: 253-262.
4. Xuedong Chen, Ming Tang, Xinlu Zhang, Chantal Hamel, Wei Li, Min Sheng* (2017) Why does oriental arborvitae grow better when mixed with black locust: insight on nutrient cycling? Ecology and Evolution, 8(1): 744-754.
5. Min Sheng, Xuedong Chen, Xinluo Zhang, Chantal Hamel, Xiaowen Cui, Jie Chen, Hui Chen, Ming Tang (2017) Changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal attributes along a chronosequence of black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia ) plantations can be attributed to the plantation-induced variation in soil properties. Science of the Total Environment, 599: 273-283.
6. Min Sheng, Roger Lalande, Chantal Hamel, Noura Ziadi (2013) Effect of long-term tillage and mineral phosphorus fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a humid continental zone of Eastern Canada. Plant and Soil, 369(1-2): 599-613.
7. Min Sheng, Roger Lalande, Chantal Hamel, Noura Ziadi, Yichao Shi (2012) Growth of corn roots and associated arbuscular mycorrhizae are affected by long-term tillage and phosphorus fertilization. Agronomy Journal, 104 (6): 1672-1678.
8. Min Sheng, Chantal Hamel, Myriam R. Fernandez (2012) Cropping practices modulate the impact of glyphosate on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere bacteria in agroecosystems of the semiarid prairie. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 58(8): 990-1001.
9. Min Sheng, Ming Tang, Fengfeng Zhang, Yanhui Huang (2011) Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on organic solutes in maize leaves under salt stress. Mycorrhiza, 21(5): 423-430.
10. Min Sheng, Ming Tang, Hui Chen, Baowei Yang, Fengfeng Zhang, Yanhui Huang (2009) Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on root system of maize plants under salt stress. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 55(7): 879-886.
11. Min Sheng, Ming Tang, Hui Chen, Baowei Yang, Fengfeng Zhang, Yanhui Huang (2008) Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on photosynthesis and water status of maize plants under salt stress. Mycorrhiza, 18(6-7): 287-296.
12. 陈雪冬,唐明,张新璐,周远博,韦素贞,盛敏*(2017)黄土高原刺槐纯林的土壤-菌根关系及随林龄的变化. 林业科学,53(12): 84-92.(EI收录)
1. 盛敏,唐明,陈辉,王春燕,杨保伟. 一种植物与AM真菌共生的双向培养盒,2016.01.20,ZL201410055399.3,发明专利,中国
2.盛敏,唐明,陈辉,王春燕,杨保伟. 一种能自动吸液的植物育苗盆,2015.07.22,ZL201310494350.3,发明专利,中国
3. 盛敏,唐明,陈辉,王春燕,杨保伟. 一种微生物培养基专用开槽铲,2014.12.17,ZL201310494327.4,发明专利,中国
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