2014年7月毕业于北京林业大学 植物学专业理学博士
2011年7月毕业于中国农业科百家乐赔率 作物种质资源学专业农学硕士
2008年7月毕业于西北农林科技大学 生物科学专业理学学士
1. 经济林(花椒、翅果油树)优异种质资源的发掘与利用
2. 经济林(花椒、翅果油树)高效栽培技术研发
1. 指导研究生情况:共招收硕士研究生15人,目前在读研究生8人;2人获国家奖学金,1人获陕西省优秀毕业生
2. 指导本科生情况:共指导本科生获批大学生科创项目5项(国家级2项,省级2项,校级1项)
3. 讲授本科生课程:《林学概论》、《经济林栽培学》
[主持科研项目 ]
1. 杨凌示范区青年育种专家培育支持计划项目,2023.01-2025.12
2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(面上),2023.01-2024.12
[发表科研论文 ]
Li, Changle, et al. "Codon usage bias and genetic diversity in chloroplast genomes of Elaeagnus species (Myrtiflorae: Elaeagnaceae)." Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 29.2 (2023): 239-251.
Zhang, Zuwang, et al. "A novel strategy to enhance photocatalytic killing of foodborne pathogenic bacteria by modification of non-metallic monomeric black phosphorus with Elaeagnus mollis polysaccharides." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 242 (2023): 125015.
Chen, Sihui, et al. "The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Staphylea holocarpa (Staphyleaceae)." Molecular Biotechnology (2023): 1-6.
Li, Jingmiao, et al. "Genome survey of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and development of genomic-SSR markers in congeneric species." Bioscience Reports 40.6 (2020): BSR20201101.
Li, Jingmiao, et al. "Comprehensive profiling of phytochemical compounds, antioxidant activities, anti-HepG2 cell proliferation, and cholinesterase inhibitory potential of Elaeagnus mollis leaf extracts." Plos One 15.9 (2020): e0239497.
Liu, Yulin, et al. "De novo assembly of the seed transcriptome and search for potential EST-SSR markers for an endangered, economically important tree species: Elaeagnus mollis Diels." Journal of Forestry Research 31 (2020): 759-767.
Ma, Yao, et al. "Effects of location, climate, soil conditions and plant species on levels of potentially toxic elements in Chinese Prickly Ash pericarps from the main cultivation regions in China." Chemosphere 244 (2020): 125501.
Ma, Yao, et al. "Authentication of Chinese prickly ash by ITS2 sequencing and the influence of environmental factors on pericarp quality traits." Industrial Crops and Products 155 (2020): 112770.
Li, Jingmiao, et al. "Identification of the candidate genes related to sanshool biosynthesis in Zanthoxylum bungeanum by comparative RNA sequencing analysis." ScienceAsia 45.5 (2019): 425–435.
李思巧, et al. "花椒 cpSSR 标记开发及在种间, 种内的通用性分析." 浙江农林大学学报 36.6 (2019): 1241-1246.
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