
百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)


百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 (林业科学研究院)



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魏安智,男,生于1961年8月,陕西扶风人,百家乐赔率-详细赔率计算与玩法解析 教授,博士,博士生导师。国务院特殊津贴专家,陕西省有突出贡献专家, 陕西省新长征突击手,陕西省级人才。国家林草局花椒工程中心主任,国家林草局花椒产业国家创新联盟理事长。西北农林科技大学凤县花椒试验站首席专家。主要从事经济林木良种选育及丰产栽培技术研究工作,主持国家和省级科研项目20余项,先后审定花椒良种3个,杏良种2个,取得科研成果6项,其中有1项成果获得省级科技进步一等奖,有3项成果获得省级科技进步二等奖,发表研究论文40余篇,出版著作6部。目前主持国家及省部级在研项目4项。


1979年9月-1983年7月   百家乐赔率 林学系林业专业  本科

1983年7月-1995年12月  西北植物研究所  助理研究员

1996年1月-1999年12月  西北植物研究所   副研究员

1999年12月-2004年11月 西北农林科技大学  研究员

2004年11月-2008年3月  西北农林科技大学  教授、博士、硕导

2008年4月- 现在         西北农林科技大学  教授、博导








3.陕西省林业科百家乐赔率 科技创新计划,花椒提质增效关键技术集成与示范(SXLK2021-0226),2021-2023,30万元;






4. “泡桐优良无性系早期选择的研究”2001年获陕西省科技进步三等奖;

5.“泡桐良种桐选二号” 1994年获山西省科技进步二等奖;

6.“泡桐良种桐杂一号、桐选一号” 1986年获陕西省科技进步二等奖。






5.《仁用杏栽培新技术》, 中国农业出版社,2004.01,主编;



1. Xitong Fei, Qianqian Shi, Yichen Qi, Haichao Hu, Yulin Liu, Tuxi Yang,Anzhi Wei(魏安智). ZbAGL11, a class D MADS-box transcription factor of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, is involved in sporophytic apomixis. Horticulture Research,2021,8:23.(IF="6.793,中科院一区TOP)

2. Feng, S, Liu, Z., Cheng, Anzhi Wei(魏安智). Zanthoxylum-specific whole genome duplication and recent activity of transposable elements in the highly repetitive paleotetraploid Z. bungeanum genome. Horticulture Research, 8,205 (2021) .(IF="6.793,中科院一区TOP)

3. Xitong Fei, Yuan Wei, Yichen Qi, Yu Lei, Shujie Wang, Haichao Hu, Anzhi Wei(魏安智).Integrated LC-MS/MS and transcriptome sequencing analysis reveals the mechanism of color formation during prickly ash fruit ripening, Food Research International,2021.( IF="6.476,中科院一区TOP)

4. Xitong Fei, Haichao Hu, Yao Ma, Anzhi Wei(魏安智). Transcriptome and metabolite analysis reveals key genes for melanin synthesis during the development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, (2021)165,113419.


5. Xitong Fei, Yichen Qi, Yu Lei, Shujie Wang, Haichao Hu, Anzhi Wei(魏安智). Transcriptome and Metabolome Dynamics Explain Aroma Differences between Green and Red Prickly Ash Fruit. Foods, 2021,10(2), 391.( IF="4.35,中科院一区TOP)

6. Xitong Fei, Qianqian Shi, Yu Lei, Shujie Wang, Yichen Qi, Haichao Hu, Anzhi Wei(魏安智).Pollination promotes ABA synthesis but not sexual reproduction in the apomictic species Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. Tree Physiology,2021, //doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpab004.(IF="4.196,中科院二区TOP)

7. Xitong Fei, Yu Lei, Yichen Qi, Shujie Wang, Haichao Hu, Anzhi Wei(魏安智). Small RNA sequencing provides candidate miRNA-target pairs for revealing the mechanism of apomixis in Zanthoxylum bungeanum. BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2021,21(01). (IF="4.215,中科院二区)

8. Ma, Y; Tian, J.; Chen, Y.; Chen, M.; Liu, Y.; Wei, A(魏安智). Volatile Oil Profile of Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum) Pericarps from Different Locations in China. Foods 2021, 10, 2386.(IF="4.092,中科院一区TOP)

9. Feng SJ, Liu ZS, Hu Y, Tian JY, Yang TX, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. Genomic analysis reveals the genetic diversity, population structure, evolutionary history and relationships of Chinese pepper. Horticulture Research.,7(1):158. ( IF="5.404,中科院一区top)

10. Fei XT, Ma Y, Hu HC, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. Transcriptome analysis and GC-MS profiling of key genes in fatty acid synthesis of  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  seeds. Industrial Crops and Products. 156:112870, (IF="4.244,中科院一区top )

11. Ma Y, Li JM, Tian M, Liu Y, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020 Authentication of Chinese prickly ash by ITS2 sequencing and the influence of environmental factors on pericarp quality traits. Industrial Crops and Products. 155:112770, ( IF="4.244,中科院一区top)

12. Ma Y, Tian JY, Wang XN, Huang C, Tian MJ, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. Fatty acid profiling and chemometric analyses for  Zanthoxylum  pericarps from different geographic origin and genotype. Foods, 9(11):1676. 10.3390/foods9111676 (IF="4.092,中科院一区 )

13. Ma Y, Fei XT, Li JM, Liu YL, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. Effects of location, climate, soil conditions and plant species on levels of potentially toxic elements in Chinese Prickly Ash pericarps from the main cultivation regions in China. Chemosphere.,244:125501. (IF="5.778,中科院二区top )

14. Feng SJ, Niu JS, Liu ZS, Tian L, Wang XY, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of Chinese pepper based on nrDNA markers. Forests. 11(5):543. ( IF="2.221,中科院二区)

15. Fei XT, Li JM, Kong LJ, Hu HC, Tian JY, Liu YL, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. miRNAs and their target genes regulate the antioxidant system of  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  under drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 150:196–203. (中科院三区,IF="3.72)

16. Fei XT, Shi QQ, Liu YL, Yang TX, Wei AZ (魏安智). 2020. RNA sequencing and functional analyses reveal regulation of novel drought-responsive, long-non-coding RNA in  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  Maxim. Plant Growth Regulation. 90(3):425-440. (中科院三区,IF="2.388)

17. Hou L, Liu Y, Wei AZ* (魏安智). Geographical variations in the fatty acids of  Zanthoxylum  seed oils: A chemometric classification based on the random forest algorithm. Industrial Crops and Products , 2019, 134: 146-153. (IF="4.191,中科院一区,top)

18. Ma Y, Li X, Hou L, Wei AZ* (魏安智). Extraction solvent affects the antioxidant, antimicrobial, cholinesterase and HepG2 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell inhibitory activities of  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  pericarps and the major chemical components. Industrial Crops and Products , 2019. (IF="4.191,中科院一区,top)

19. Shi J, Fei X, Hu Y, Liu Y, Wei AZ (魏安智)*. Identification of key genes in the synthesis pathway of volatile terpenoids in fruit of  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  Maxim. Forests, 2019, 10(4): 328. (IF="2.116,中科院二区)

20. Fei X, Shi J, Liu Y, Niu J, Wei A* (魏安智). The steps from sexual reproduction to apomixis. Planta, 2019, 249(6):1715-1730. (IF="3.249,中科院三区)

21. Fei X, Shi Q, Liu Y, Yang T, Wei AZ* (魏安智). RNA sequencing and functional analyses reveal regulation of novel drought-responsive, long-non-coding RNA in  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  Maxim. Plant Growth Regulation, 2019. (IF= 2.473,中科院三区)

22. Fei X, Hou L, Shi J, Yang T, Liu Y, Wei AZ* (魏安智). Patterns of drought response of 38WRKY transcription factors of  Zanthoxylum  bungeanum  Maxim. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(1): 68. (IF="4.183,中科院三区)

23. Ma Y, Wang Y, Li X, Hou L, Wei AZ* (魏安智). Sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity of  Zanthoxylum bungeanum  Maxim. pericarps. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2019, 16(2): e1800238. (IF="1.449,中科院四区)


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E-mail: weianzhi@126.co

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