2010,9-2011,6:大连外国语百家乐赔率 日语学习。
1994,7-现在:西北农林科技大学(含原百家乐赔率 )任教。
杨树锈病扩散流行的生态适应性与分子基础,国家重点研发计划 (子课题),2017-2020
1. Three new species of Talaromyces sect. Talaromyces discovered from soil in China. Scientific reports, 2018(8):4932 |DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-23370-x
2. Half-reserve Mitosis of Sibling Nuclei in Gymnosporangium asiaticum . Int. J. Agric. Biol., 2017, 19: 1025-1030
3. Biochar-morel promotes wheat saline resistance by increasing root/shoot ratio, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(12):7667-7673
4. The complete chloroplast genome of the southern Chinese pine Pinus tabuliformis (Pinales: Pinaceae) . Mitochondrial DNA, 2017, 28(1): 13–14
5. 松杨栅锈菌无毒基因型性状分离及AvrL567同源序列分析. 林业科学, 2017, 53(5):88-955.
6. A morel improved growth and suppressed Fusarium infection in sweet corn , World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology, 2016,32:192-198
7. Molecular characterization of a Hog-type MAPK, MlpHog1 from Melampsora larici-populina . Phytoparasitica , 2016,44: 251-259
8. Effects of litter extraction fluid from dominant forest tree species on functional characteristics of soil microbial communities . Journal of Forestry Research , 2016,27(1):81-92
9. 陕西小叶杨叶内生真菌群体多样性和结构特征. 林业科学, 2016,52(6):86-92
10. Neofusicoccum parvum causing canker of seedlings of Juglans regia in China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2015,26(4):1019–1024
11. Exploring of endophytic Bacillus subtilis as an agent of biocontrol for walnut canker. Biotechnology, an Indian Journal , 2015,11(11):419-425
12. Identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes during incompatible interaction between the folia rust Melampsora larici-populina and poplar. Genetic Molecular Research , 2014,13(1): 2082-93
13. First record of Erysiphe pilchra in China on a new host species . Mycotaxon , 2014,127: 185-190
14. 葡萄座腔菌属ITS-nrDNA的分子系统学分析. 菌物学报, 2014,29(2): 285-293
15. 活性木炭材料及生物耦合炭对植物生长的影响. 生物质化学工程, 2014, 48(3):1-6
16. 活性木炭制备及重要性状分析. 林产化学与工业, 2013,33(3):125-130
17. 中国落叶松-杨栅锈菌遗传多样性研究 . 菌物学报 , 2012,31 (4): 510-522
18. ITS-nrDNA sequence study of important species in genus Cytospora. Journal of Food, Agriculture& Environment, 2011,9(1): 557-562
19. Infection behaviour of Melampsora larici-populina Kleb on the leaf surface of Populus purdomii Rehder. Agriculture Sciences in China, 2011,10(10): 1562-1569
20. Effects of vegetation succession on soil fertility within farming-plantation ecotone in Ziwuling mountains of the loess plateau in China . Agriculture Science in China , 2010,9(10) :1481-91
21. Effects of water-soluble compounds of Polygonstum cirrhifolium rhizomes on plant pathogenic fungi. Alleopathy Journal , 2010,25(2):415-422
22. Nuclear behavior in the life cycle of Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2009,7(3&4): 165-169
22. 梨胶锈菌生活史核行为研究 . 自然科学进展 , 2009, 19 (2): 166-172
23. 松杨栅锈菌两菌群RAPD特异序列标记转换. 中国农业科学, 2009, 42 (1): 349-354
24. 陕西省31株木本植物炭疽菌的rDNA-ITS区序列分析. 林业科学, 2009,45 (5): 164-168
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